
Your Divorce Is Final, Now What?

10/09/2012 18:32


Your marriage has ended when the judge says your divorce is final, but you also need to recognise that this is a beginning too. Our solicitors Leeds office appreciates that is well aware that if either spouse has been bombarded with negative comments throughout the separation and divorce, or feels like a failure since their marital relationship didn't work out, it may be tough to adapt to life after divorce. However hard your separation and divorce might have been, looking at the first day of your post-divorce life as a new start is vital.
What Comes After The  Divorce Settlement?
Having to go through a separation and divorce is not a very pleasant experience. You need to deal with the reason for the divorce and you need to deal with the idea that something you believed would last forever won't happen. Too often, individuals think that if they are able to just get the separation and divorce finalised then their life would be okay and back to normal.
The problem is that the issues and feelings that you had before the divorce was  finalised can't just magically go away overnight. You may have spent years, even decades building a strong emotional connection with your spouse. Those feelings just aren't going to stop because the judge said so. Even if you hate your partner now, those are still feelings you have to deal with.
The best advice is to get through one day at a time and start looking at the future that you now have open to you.
Learning To Cope With Unhappiness
You are not going to be able to get through a separation and divorce without it impacting your life. Even if the divorce is the right course of action, it's still going to be an incredibly emotional event. It's virtually impossible that your life isn't going to be affected in some way.
The emotions of a separation and divorce are so powerful that it is very likely that you're going to be sad for a while. When everything is finalised, some might feel like staying in bed for a week so they don't have to see anyone, or they might shed a few tears over the coming weeks. There's nothing wrong with feeling like this, it's perfectly normal, and dealing with your emotions in whatever way feels best for you is probably a good thing. If you really want to start living the new life that's in front of you, it's important that you give yourself permission to be unhappy for a little bit after the divorce process.
Some individuals try and bury those types of feelings. However, as the majority of solicitors will tell you, if they do that they are only delaying them. Sooner or later they're going to have to be dealt with.
Take Control Of Your Life After A Divorce Process
After your divorce becomes final, chances are you will find yourself overcome with sadness. However, as you continue to get through each day, you will eventually start to feel better and better. Remaining in firm control of your life is a good way to try and get yourself back on track.
A lot of cases of divorce fit the profile of one person wanting the separation and divorce, while the other individual doesn't. If you're the one who was “wronged” in the marital relationship, it makes it very easy to take on the mentality of a victim instead of being in control.
It is important for you to determine who you're going to be in your new post-divorce life. A lot of men and women think that it helps to look at things which you enjoyed before you got married. What kinds of things did you do that gave you more confidence? It may be very helpful to look at those things when you are deciding who you would like to be in your new life.

Before You Decide To File For A Divorce, You Should Consider This

03/06/2012 21:06


It's difficult for anyone to handle going through a divorce. A part of the challenge is simply because it's an emotional process and the other part is simply because you have to make lots of decisions that can have a big effect on your life for many years to come.
Make Certain Before You Start
Naturally, the first thing that you will need to give some thought to whenever you are thinking about a divorce is whether or not it's without doubt what you want. Make sure you take the time to really look at the main reasons why you feel divorce is your only choice. This will help you to examine the issues and see if there could be alternative ways you might be able to deal with the difficulties in your relationship.
In the event that you think that many of the problems that exist in your marital relationship are related to communication problems, you may want to think about counseling. Lots of people believe that their difficulties can be fixed and that they will be able to stay with each other by working with a decent counselor.
Some sort of trial separation is another method that many individuals look at before they file divorce papers. Both parties are then provided with a little time and some breathing space to think about exactly what they would like to do with their future.
An official divorce is going to be a final decree. It makes sense to carefully consider all your choices before making the decision to go forward with officially ending your marital relationship.
Whether or not to Hire a Solicitor
If you choose to proceed with a divorce, the most important decision you have to make is whether or not to hire a solicitor. In most cases, it's best to at the very least speak with a Divorce Solicitors Leeds office and get their guidance, which should allow you to make your mind up just how much specialist help you are going to need.
You might think that you can manage the details of your divorce case all on your own, however, most people eventually figure out that it is a considerably more difficult and complex process than they imagined. When you work with a solicitor, you'll know that everything is being taken care of the way it needs to be.
One of the primary benefits of hiring a solicitor is that you always know that there'll be another person involved in every decision whose job it is to consider your best interests. When you're in the middle of a divorce process and it gets heated, you can get over emotional. Using a solicitor will guarantee that you do not make any poor decisions just because you happen to be mad.
Deciding on Whether To Go The Collaborative Route
When you have confirmed that you definitely want to proceed with the divorce process and you have made the wise decision to use a solicitor, you need to determine whether you want a collaborative divorce. A conventional divorce process could drag on for years and the more time it's going to take for the process to be finalised, the more you will need to pay your solicitor.
Once you decide on a collaborative divorce process, it usually means that there will be numerous meetings which will involve both spouses and both solicitors. Everybody agrees at the start to work toward an arrangement which is acceptable for both parties. Therefore the court doesn't have to be involved in the process.
You should think about pursuing a collaborative divorce process if you think that it is possible to dissolve your marital relationship in an amicable manner. In cases where you and your partner are keen on a quicker agreement that's acceptable to everyone, this can be a great solution to keep in mind.

Divorce and Family Law - The Cost Of Divorce

24/03/2012 15:44


As well as being extremely emotional, getting divorced will also have an economic challenge that comes with it. The splitting up of property and assets as well as the payment of spousal maintenance and support for your children might need to be looked at, and there will also be other costs involved when you're getting a divorce.
How Much Will A Divorce Process Cost?
Apart from the fees that the majority of lawyers will probably demand to handle a divorce case in England and Wales, there are several common court costs that you'll have to pay as well.
Divorce court costs - When you petition the court for a divorce, the cost of submitting the papers is at present £340. At the conclusion of the process there's also a further cost for the Decree Absolute of £40. There could be other similar court costs as well. For instance, in the event that you and your former partner have come to an arrangement regarding your finances and are wanting a ‘clean break’ divorce, you'll have to file a Consent Order with the courts, that carries a further £45 charge.
Solicitor Costs - Exactly how much a divorce solicitor is going to cost is dependent upon a couple of things; their fees and also the complexity of the case. Different law firms charge different fees for their time, and precisely how much time they will have to invest in your case will depend on a range of factors, such as if the divorce is contested and if there will be any kids involved. Solicitors fees for a fairly simple divorce case could be a few hundred pounds, whilst a much more complex or drawn out divorce process might cost thousands of pounds. 
Divorce & Legal Aid
For those who could find it difficult to meet the monetary cost of a divorce process, Legal Aid might be a solution. Having said that, not everybody is entitled to Legal Aid, which is intended to help just those most in need.
For anyone trying to cope with the expense of a divorce or Family Law problem, our Bristol Divorce Solicitors can offer a variety of solutions for dealing with your problem, whilst making sure the monetary burden is kept to a minimum.

Separation and Divorce - A Closer Look At Cohabitation

24/03/2012 15:42


Across England and Wales more and more adults are choosing to live with one another without marrying each other nor entering into a civil union. This cohabitation may very well be prior to some sort of formal partnership, or the partners might simply prefer the simplicity of cohabiting. In either case, the thing that every single one of couples in this particular situation must know is that they don't have the same protection under the legal system as married couples or individuals in a civil union.
A lot of cohabiting couples believe that there is such a thing as a 'common law marriage', which refers to all partners living with each other. But, they might be shocked to learn this is in fact not the case throughout England and Wales. The majority of people that are simply cohabiting are living together without much of the safeguards available to husbands and wives and also civil partners, which can create problems when the relationship comes to an end, or one of the individuals dies.
Cohabitation and Property
Because moving in together is largely an emotional decision, a lot of couples don't entirely realise the consequences along with potential challenges which might be linked to cohabitation. There's a couple of ways in which couples can look after their legal rights when acquiring a property, just in case the relationship does not work out.
Finances & Cohabitation
When it comes to a couple's finances, husbands and wives and also civil partners get considerable legal protection if the partnership should come to an end. Depending on the partners concerned along with their specific situation, one spouse might be required to pay out some type of maintenance to the other, in order to enable them to adjust to living by themselves. However that isn't the way it is with couples that are cohabiting.
Cohabiting Parents
When a legally married couple have a baby both are acknowledged as the parents of the baby and enjoy all of the responsibilities and legal rights which come with that. When it comes to cohabiting partners, the dad is going to have absolutely no legal rights to the child unless he's there whenever the birth is officially registered, or alternatively the relevant papers are supplied that confirm he's the dad.
Cohabitation Agreement
More and more couples are choosing to work with our Divorce Solicitors Bristol office to set up a cohabitation agreement in order to help stay clear of potential problems with homes along with finances. Some partners may even choose to do this after they have split up, however when this happens the agreement is similar to a conventional separation agreement.
The legislation concerning couples who are living with one another outside of a marital relationship or civil partnership are going through a review and it is most likely these laws may be changed at some point.

Divorce and Family Law - Issues Our Divorce Solicitors Can Deal With

24/03/2012 15:40


Whenever there is a household dispute of any kind, it can affect everybody involved; so when these differences are important matters such as separation, divorce, and child custody, most people will not be able to deal with these issues alone.
This is when you have to have the professional and expert guidance of Family Law Solicitors. Our Family Solicitors Bristol office can help you reduce the stress and anxiety associated with family problems, and ensure you are completely aware of all your options.
Some of the challenges our Bristol Family Solicitors can help with are detailed below:
Getting Divorced
Facing a divorce process is often an emotionally draining prospect. Our group of Bristol Family Law Solicitors can help as well as guide you through the entire process, providing the legal representation you need, and helping to make sure that any emotional tension is going to be kept to a minimum.
Whether married or just living together, there are numerous challenges couples should be aware of when they plan to separate. Skilled and experienced solicitors, like those found at our Family Law Solicitors Bristol office, will provide you with the essential assistance if you're looking for an official separation.
Spousal Maintenance
Trying to survive on a lower income after you and your partner have split up can be hard. Our Bristol Divorce Solicitors can provide assistance and important information on the most effective way to get the essential economic help you need.
One of the most delicate and emotional aspects of most divorce cases is Child Custody, and this is one matter where it is critical to obtain the best guidance available. Our specialist Bristol Family Solicitors can help you to reach a resolution that's in the interests of everybody.
Child Support
Just because one partner is not present in the home doesn't mean that your young children should suffer because of the decrease in your family income. Our Divorce Solicitors Bristol office will help to ensure you receive the financial support you are qualified to receive as part of any divorce or separation.
International Divorce
The experienced team of international Divorce Solicitors in our Family Solicitors Bristol office will help you straighten out all the intricacies and regional concerns that accompany any divorce where differing countries of origin, overseas employment and overseas property could possibly be a concern.
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
An increasing number of husbands and wives are discovering that Alternative Dispute Resolution proceedings like Mediation and Collaborative Family Law provide a far more civil and productive way of solving Family Law matters, without needing to decide things in the courts. Specially qualified solicitors within our Divorce Solicitors Bristol office will be able to advise you about both these ADR processes and whether they could be suitable for your circumstances.
Rather than getting married or entering a civil partnership, an increasing number of partners are deciding to simply live together. Nevertheless, most people don't realise the implications this action will have on their individual rights and lawful protection should the partnership comes to an end or one of them dies. Our Bristol Family Solicitors can advise you about the best approach to protect your financial assets if the unimaginable happens. 
Protection From Domestic Violence
For various reasons not all romantic relationships are successful. This could leave some individuals feeling unhappy, frustrated, and in some cases annoyed. Whenever you're a victim of any type of violence, or perhaps sense danger in any way, our Family Solicitors Bristol office can offer advice and support, and help make sure you receive the protection you require.
Prenuptial Arrangements
Some people may have substantial property and assets which they may be bringing with them into the relationship or civil partnership. In order to help protect these possessions in case of a separation or divorce our Bristol Family Solicitors can provide guidance regarding a prenuptial arrangement.

Divorce and Family Law - Valuable Divorce Details

24/03/2012 15:36

If you're beginning to feel as though divorce might be the only way to solve your marriage problems, it is crucial you learn a bit more about what ‘getting divorced' involves. It is always smart to talk to an expert, and our Bristol Family Solicitors will offer the assistance you'll need, but here's a bit of general information that will be helpful.

Divorce Grounds
To begin with you must do will be to show that your marital relationship has broken down to the extent that there's no chance of rebuilding the relationship. Across England you'll be able to petition the court for a divorce when you have been married for a 12 months and when one of the following applies:
  • Separation for 2 years
  • Separation for 5 years
  • Desertion
  • Unreasonable behaviour
  • Infidelity
Each and every divorce will be different. Some involve young children, whilst others don't; and some may very well be quite amicable, whilst others might be fiercely contested. There is no set time period for how long it will be before you are granted your Decree Absolute - the very best case scenario could be a month or two, although some divorce processes last years.
Divorce Costs
Besides the normal court fees the cost of your divorce process is likely to vary according to the solicitor you pick to represent you, the difficulty of your situation along with the length of time it takes to settle it. Not all divorce lawyers are the same and simply because one may cost a lot less than another doesn't mean that they would be the better choice. Choosing a less costly solicitor might mean that you're employing an individual with significantly less experience of dealing with your specific situation.
Alternatives To Divorce
Whatever the motivation, Separation can be an alternative to divorce, and where a husband and wife only need to be living apart to be considered ‘separated'. You can formalise this separation, as opposed to getting a divorce, and even if this may not be desirable, there will probably be a number of things which ought to be defined in some form of separation arrangement. 
If you're considering a divorce, or going through any sort of Family Law problem, get in touch with our Family Law Solicitors Bristol office. With various levels of service to match all budgets, we'll provide you with the guidance you need.

Family Law Matters - A Substitute For Divorce

30/01/2011 23:26


Whenever a marriage appears like it's reached an end, a good number of individuals' thoughts may perhaps turn to divorce. However, it can very often be a good idea to contemplate separating for a while prior to pressing ahead with a divorce process. For anyone looking at divorce, here are a few good reasons why Separation might be a much better option.


Finances - Anytime a couple are married they could share a number of financial advantages, like private healthcare, pension benefits, or maybe tax allowances. If perhaps they were to divorce, it's possible that one partner could lose some, or even all of these benefits, therefore agreeing to a separation instead is going to be a better option for these people.


Religion - When the majority of individuals get married, they realise that it is a partnership intended to last for the rest of their lives, and even though divorce is fairly commonly accepted, certain faiths discourage, or don't recognise the dissolution of marriage. Because of this, numerous couples may opt for an agreed separation over an official divorce process.


Getting back together - One more popular reason why numerous couples decide upon separation instead of starting divorce proceedings, is that they think there may be potential for a reconciliation. Separating on this basis gives the married couple chance to take a bit of time, assess the partnership, and possibly reconcile with a renewed perspective that will help make the relationship work.


Grounds for Divorce - Two of the grounds for divorce involve separation for durations of 2 years, when the husband and wife happen to be in agreement regarding the divorce, or 5 years, where one spouse doesn't agree and the divorce is going to be contested. If perhaps there are actually no other grounds for divorce, separation may be the best way for one or both spouses to get a divorce.


Married couples who make a decision to separate instead of, or ahead of, getting a divorce, may want to contemplate creating a Separation Agreement that sets out their individual obligations for the different aspects of their mutual finances, in addition to arrangements for things such as custody (residence) and also support (maintenance). This is referred to as a Deed of Separation, and while it is drafted with no involvement of the court and will not be legally binding in case of an upcoming divorce, it can help wives and husbands who will eventually divorce deal with several of the issues they're going to have to take care of.


In cases where the married couple require a more formal separation agreement, a Judicial Separation would involve the court formally acknowledging the couple's separation and their settlement on matters concerning their kids and their financial circumstances.


Whenever a marriage looks like it's finished, each married couple's circumstances are going to be different, and commencing divorce proceedings straight away might not be relevant. If perhaps you live in Leeds and need help with a Divorce Leeds matter, contact our Family Law Solicitors Leeds office, who will make sure you get the help you'll need.


Separation And Divorce - How A Divorce Process Works

27/01/2011 23:43

Throughout Wales and England, the actual process for obtaining a divorce is essentially rather straight foward. Having said that, what usually complicates cases of divorce and might cause them to become complex and also time-consuming, tend to be all the issues which must be reconciled, and also the attitudes the wives and husbands have when it comes to each of these matters. For anybody who is looking at submitting a Divorce Petition, here's a quick overview of the process.

Get some advice - Although this is not an element of the formal process, it is very important that you get specialist help and advice as soon as possible. Divorce is a legal procedure, and for anyone not familiar with what's involved, it might be a hard process - regardless of how friendly it might all seem at the start. Looking at your situation with a Divorce Solicitor is the best way to figure out all of your options so you can determine what you'd like to do.

Divorce Petition - If, after speaking to your solicitor, you opt to go ahead with the divorce, you will need to complete and then submit your Divorce Petition. This outlines to the court why you think you need to be divorced, as well as what you are proposing or seeking with regards to issues like maintenance, court costs and so on.

Statement of Arrangements - If both you and your spouse have children together, you'll need to complete a Statement of Arrangements in addition to the Divorce Petition. This details the proposed arrangements for the children after the divorce, including where they are going to live and how much contact the non-custodial mom or dad would be provided with.

Acknowledgement of Service - As soon as your spouse receives the Divorce Petition and Statement of Arrangements, they have a limited time to respond to the court by using the Acknowledgement of Service form. In this they'll state if they want to contest the divorce. They'll need to complete one more form, known as an Answer, along with the Acknowledgement of Service if they are intending to contest the Divorce Petition. If this happens to be the situation with your divorce, it's best to obtain further advice from your solicitor regarding all your options for handling the situation.

Affidavit - In cases where your spouse agrees to the divorce, you'll receive a copy of their Acknowledgement of Service that you have to return, along with an Affidavit. The Affidavit is essentially where you legally state that all the details outlined in the initial petition are true.

Decree Nisi - As soon as the court has received all the forms from you, and it's happy things are as they should be, it is going to pronounce the Decree Nisi. You aren't actually divorced at this stage, it's just a legal court recognizing that the proper legal procedure has actually been followed, and also that you should be divorced.

Decree Absolute - Six weeks later, and preferably once the conditions of the separation and divorce have been agreed, you'll be able to request the Decree Absolute. When you obtain this your marriage will be dissolved and so you're officially divorced.

While the process you must go through in order to obtain a divorce might appear relatively easy, each and every divorce case is different and as a consequence offers a unique challenge, which is why it is usually recommended that you get assistance from our Family Law Solicitors Leeds office. Our Family Law Solicitors Leeds office will be able to enable you to appropriately manage your divorce process and keep any kind of emotional strain to a minimum.

Family Matters - Divorce in England

25/01/2011 23:31


When a couple get married, it's normally anticipated that they're going to stay together for the remainder of their lives. Nevertheless, despite the fact that the divorce rate within Wales and England might be dropping, it's nevertheless a sorry fact that over a third of marriages will probably end in divorce proceedings. In the event that this is a predicament you are in, here's a little information that could be helpful.


If you want to obtain a divorce, there are a couple of criteria you first need to fulfill before you are able to submit your Divorce Petition. Firstly, you need to have been married for not less than one year. Secondly, you need to be able to demonstrate that your marriage has broken down irretrievably. This is actually the sole reason for divorce throughout Wales and England, and you'll discover numerous possible reasons for this breakdown.


Adultery - In the event that your spouse admits having an affair, or perhaps you're able to prove it, then you should have grounds for a divorce case. Despite the fact that you do not automatically need to move out of the marital residence in order to submit a Divorce Petition, it'll need to be submitted within six months of finding out about the affair when you're using it as grounds for the divorce.


Unreasonable Behaviour - This tends to cover an array of problems in the marriage, and not all of them as severe as you might think. If you can't reasonably be expected to keep on living with your husband or wife for some specific reason, you should be able to submit a Divorce Petition. This is perhaps the most commonly specified reason for divorce proceedings in England and Wales.


Desertion - When your partner leaves you for a period of time of two years or more without having your agreement, this is classed as Desertion, and is one more reason for trying to get a divorce.


Separation - If you and your partner have lived independently for a certain period of time, this is another reason for petitioning for a divorce. The time period differs, dependant upon whether you both agree to the divorce. If you do, and have lived separately for a period of time of 24 months or more, you ought to have grounds for a divorce. When one spouse doesn't consent to the divorce, that time period must be 5 years.


Even though you are feeling as though your marriage may be over, divorce is not your only option. There are numerous great counselling options around the Leeds and West Yorkshire region, that have helped plenty of husbands and wives workout their issues and therefore get back on track. On the other hand, you might opt to look at a trial separation, to obtain a whole new perspective on the relationship, and if it could be fixed.


No matter what your situation, if you need guidance regarding a divorce or family law question, make sure you contact our Family Law Solicitors Leeds office. Our Family Law Solicitors Leeds office should be able to provide you with the information and help you need if you're considering divorce or even any other aspect of Family Law.


How Separation And Divorce And Other Sorts Of Family Issues May Impact Married Couples

25/01/2011 14:56


Whenever two people get married, they and their loved ones hope that it is going to be a partnership which lasts for the rest of their lives. However, the sad fact is that, while the divorce rate has dropped in recent times, over a third of marriages don't make it.


A lot of relationships encounter difficulties at some point, and the vast majority of partners will do anything and everything they can in order to resolve these problems and therefore remain together. However, when that's not possible, the only sensible course of action left could be to get a divorce.


Inspite of the fact that wedding days are full of the idea of love and romance, when two individuals get married it's a legal arrangement. As a result, any time they want to dissolve the marriage, there will be many legal aspects which will need to be resolved before they are able to go their separate ways.


The couple will have to decide how they are going to share the property and assets they've built up, along with any kind of debts they have accrued. One of the individuals may be entitled to spousal support, or alimony, and while this is generally paid by the former husband, that is not always the case - and quite often it might not be appropriate at all


Together with all of the financial matters, another issue that could really complicate a divorce process, from a legal and also emotional standpoint, is if there will be kids concerned. The challenge of custody will need to be determined, and after that the dad or mom who doesn't have primary custody of the kids, will probably need to pay child support.


Most of the issues associated with a separation and divorce process can be fairly complex, and very hard to deal with effectively when you're not familiar with the law. To make sure that you're treated fairly in any kind of divorce process, regardless of how amicable or clear-cut it might appear, it is best to seek advice from a qualified family law solicitor.


The good news is that, a lot of divorcing husbands and wives can work together in order to arrive at an arrangement which is ideal for both of them, along with any kids involved, and a family law solicitor will be capable of making sure the process goes smoothly. However, on the few occasions where there is a disagreement regarding one or two of the terms relating to a divorce process, it will be vital that you have the guidance of a good family law solicitor, in order to ensure that your rights are properly represented.


The decrease in the divorce rate is definitely very good news for husbands and wives everywhere, even so, if perhaps you live in Leeds and want help with a divorce or Family Law matter contact our Family Law Leeds office. Our Family Law Solicitors Leeds office will make sure you obtain the assistance you'll need.